THE Shift.

WHERE intention — MEETS reality.

  • “Being in The Shift has helped me create so much momentum toward my goals and the next iteration of myself I'm growing into. My intentions have been pretty big and I'm not sure they even have a completion point. But I do feel like I've been able to step into my authentic voice more so than ever before. each month my intentions have given way to a deeper piece of the puzzle I want to focus on -- the intentions feel like they're building on themselves.”


  • Everything about my life has changed since starting The Shift. I originally began to learn how to meditate by I have learned more about myself and created more change in my life doing The Shift than any other year in my life. My self-worth and confidence have also skyrocketed, and I’ve started making plans for things and places that I never thought possible.


  • It’s been so powerful learning that who we strive to be is already within us. The Shift's meditations have helped me let go of something I thought I’d never be able to in my life, create more peace and actualize visions from my vision board! the most notable vision is where I’m located today. I visualized it during a meditation, I put in on my vision board for this year and now I’m living it!


  • There’s been so many internal shifts. I have given myself the time to understand myself deeply which allows me to respond and not react. Responding to my triggers in a healthy way has made an immense difference to my anxiety and tendencies to overthink. Externally, I finally built up the courage to quit my job, leave my toxic relationship and learned to set boundaries in other relationships as well. My favorite change would have to be the supportive friendships I’ve now cultivated from this time of releasing my ego and it’s patterns. And my biggest AH-HA has been learning to love myself and understand that each event and each transition is a piece of my story. And that to be AT peace, which is the ultimate goal, I must love the flow of this life too.


  • Internally, I have found myself to be more at peace and be more mindful in my day-to-day. I’ve started to approach the world with curious eyes and have loved being a part of the community! Externally, I’ve been able to develop a better relationship with my family as I approach situations and the world with curiosity.


  • I’ve started to be able to notice the difference between my Ego and my True Self and find myself getting closer to my True Self every month. I’ve also created a more accepting, appreciative and neutral relationship with myself and to my emotions. I’ve learned that when you stop fighting against the moment and just feel the emotion you’re trying to fight, things that are hard become way less hard. Through this process, I’ve learned how to pause in the face of my emotions so I can choose to respond differently as a way to honor the future version of myself I want to become. It’s become much easier to give more love and compassion. Both to myself and others.


  • "Ever since I've started [The Shift's] meditations, I've gotten in touch with a deeper side of myself that I haven't felt since I moved back to the city in June. And it's all thanks to your program and consistently showing up to put in those meditation sessions. Your f-in great Dom!"


  • "This [program] has honestly changed my life I am so grateful for you and that you have created this for us. It is just a beautiful group, vibe, everything and I am so appreciative. I can feel the shift within myself and also the people around me as I am showing up more as my truest self and approaching life with love and acceptance."